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Informationen zu den Belästigungsfällen

Posted on Mon 29 April 2024 in Allgemein

Update from 02.07
The person was exmatriculated. There will still be a house ban.

Update from 20.06
Since 14.06 he has a new RWTH campus ban until 30.09.2024. The person seems to be more active in chat groups from other studies. The other student councils have been informed about this and should also pass on information about the case to their students (screenshots, complaint, counselling centres, etc.).

Update from 06.06
The house ban expired on 23 May, but he has no longer access to Moodle/RWTHOnline for the semester. After a conversation today with the legal department and the computer science group, there happens to be some movement again in the background.

  • Call the university guard, if he announces that he is lurking outside the building. They will come round and call the police themselves to order him out.
  • Send screenshots with date, time, group name, number of members now to: fgref@informatik.rwth-aachen.de.
  • File a legal complaint against his actions. We created a private group for this purpose, which you can join on request.
  • Do not engage with him in chats and ban him immediately.

We are sorry that it has been quiet on our part for some time. We have forwarded your messages to the legal department and since the conversation today we hope that something will happen soon.

Update from 30.04
The person got a RWTH house ban for three weeks. If he is seen, call immediately the university guard. Otherwise please continue to report further incidents (see below where).

Dear students of the student council I/1,

as you have probably noticed, there are several numbers that have written misogynistic messages in the chat groups and privately spammed women with calls and messages. It is very likely that all these numbers belong to the same person. The university guard and the legal department have been informed about the case and we are now trying to ensure that the whole thing gets solved as quickly as possible. We have forwarded the evidence, that we have already received to these two departments. Thanks to the people who have sent it to us.

In the meantime, we recommend to have your profile picture not publicly available (e.g. setting it to “my contacts only”).

If you have any further evidence (no matter how small) please forward them to recht@zhv.rwth-aachen.de. If you are willing to testify with your name, please include it. Evidence of the person's identity is especially helpful. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can send it to us via fsmpi.eu/complaint. If it is not recognizable on the evidence/screenshots, please also include the date.

Another contact you can turn to, is the Fachgruppenreferentin der Informatik.

We would also like to point out the free legal advice from the AStA, which you can also make use of if you want to file a complaint in person. A legal complaint can be filled out online. If you want advice how to achieve a contact ban, message us.

Please do NOT commit vigilante justice and do not try to “generate” more evidence. In case of doubt, this will only reverse the perpetrator-victim role. If he writes to you, block him and do not respond to him. If something happens on campus, call the janitor, who will immediately contact the university security service on +49 241 80 94250 or internally 113. In an emergency, also call the police. Please do not forward any supposed pictures or other documents with clear names. We do not want anyone to be prosecuted for trying to “convict” them. It's not worth your mental health either.

On the topic of mental health, you can contact the Psychological Counseling Service of the RWTH. The appointment should not be booked online, but directly via phone (Frau Platt). There is also the student care and the nationwide telephone care 08001110111. The whole situation is stressful and we are trying to help to resolve it.

Stay Safe
The collective of your student council I/1