en de

RWTH GameJam between 10. and 12. January

Posted on Tue 05 November 2024 in Veranstaltungen

GameJam Poster

Hey everyone!

The OSAK and Gaming-AG present to you:

The RWTH Game-Jam🥳

Get Tickets 🎟️ now on fsmpi.eu/game-jam

When? 🗓️ 2025-01-10 - 2025-01-12
Where? 🗺️ Computer Science Center

More Information:

But what is a Game-Jam?🎮
A Game-Jam is a programming and creativity contest, where small groups develop games for a common theme. We will meet at Friday afternoon on 10. January in the computer science building (time of day will be determined later). There, we will announce the theme and you can work and sleep during the weekend in the computer science building.

How will the groups be rated?
Each group rates the games of the other groups to preselect candidates. You will also present your games in front of a jury at a separate meeting the following week. The jury, consisting ofrofessors and other well known personalities from the university, will then determine the ordered TOP3.

Places seem very limited, can I still take part with my group?
If there are more people interested, than we can offer places for, we will draw, who gets a place. If you already have formed a group, you can fill in a common group name in the registration process, to be drawn together as a group. If you don't yet have a group, you can also form groups on the first meeting. Compared to the last GameJam, we also doubled the amount of places.