Project teams
On some topics there are special working groups (Arbeitsgemeinschaften, AGs) in our student council, which meet regularly – independent of the student council meeting.
Currently there are the following AGs and AKs:
- The people of our ESA meeting take care of the first days of your studies, provide you with all necessary information and have fun together with you in tutorials, at the city rallye and on our Ersti weekend.
- Video AG records lectures and events and makes the recordings available for download.
- The Open Source AK organizes our Linux Install Party every semester.
- The Gaming AG organizes our video game tournaments and game nights
- The CTF AK organizes joint participation in capture the flag events (cyber-security tournaments).
- The OPAK (Overalls and Patches AK) designes patches for our overalls.
Former AGs:
- The Geier was the regular flyer for the student body – with important, funny and other things. The last issue appeared in 2019, all issues are available here.
- The BuFaTa-AG organized a conference for the mathematics, physics and computer science students for Pentecost 2015.
- The International Students & Programs working group was particularly committed to international students as well as to support in international courses of study.
- The Interdisciplinary Discussion Forum organized lectures and panel discussions on the social importance of our subjects.
- The Mindstorms AK took care of the preparation of the tasks for the project day computer science and made the Mindstorms available to the students.
- The excursion AG organised a joint excursion to CERN and the Paul Scherrer Institute with students from other universities at Pentecost 2018.