General Assembly
The General Assembly (Vollversammlung, VV) is the highest decision-making body of our student council.
It reports on the work carried out during the last semester, on what money was spent and decides on the action programme for the current semester.
Here you can also change the Eternal Action Programme and the Student Representation Regulations.
The active student representatives get their mandate at the VV.
The general assembly for our departments takes place regularly on the first Tuesday in May and November from 10-14 o'clock. All Maths, Physics and Info-Studies are cordially invited to come. If lectures or exercises take place during this time, you should let us know, because in this time is officially dies academicus (i.e. free)! So no events may take place at the same time as the VV!
The agenda usually looks like the following:
- Welcome
- Election of the chairperson of the meeting and minute takers
- Reports from committees, etc.
- Founding of AGs
- Lecture criticism
- Finance report, finance audit report
- Report and discharge of the old collective
- Report of the AGs
- Election of AG collectives
- Semester Action Programme
- Action programme until revoked
- Budget
- Election of the new collective and the finance auditors
- Miscellaneous
Brief information on some of the above points
Founding of working groups and election of working group collectives: Special topics concerning the student council are outsourced to working groups. You can find out which AGs there are at the moment in the section Arbeitsgemeinschaften & Arbeitskreise on this page. If you would like to found your own working group, just come to the VV.
Lecture criticism: We collect some ideas about what goes wrong in which lectures and consider what can be done. If you think that something goes wrong in a lecture, then come to the VV, tell us that and help us to find a solution! We do not sit in every lecture ourselves.
Finance report and finance audit report: Every semester we get (approximately) one Euro from your semester fee. What we have done with this money, is said here.
Report and discharge of the old collective: There are always a few things that the student council should do in one semester according to the VV resolution. What we have done with it is stated in the report, which will also be published here. The collective is only relieved if the finance audit report is in order and those present at the VV are of the opinion that the semester action programme has been implemented and that the action programme has been observed until revoked.
Semester Action Programme: It states what the student council should do in the current semester. This program will be decided by the general assembly and if you think that we should make an application for the installation of an elevator to our rooms, then come by and make sure that this is included in the semester action program!
Action Programme until revoked (Eternal Action Programme): There are a few things that the student council should always do or observe. For example, to work for a better and fairer world without exploitation and oppression or to cooperate with other student councils, to do first semester work, to announce the agenda items of the student council meetings already on Friday before, etc.
Election of the new collective: There are always a few people who want to make a special effort in the coming semester to work for the student council. As a rule, these people can be elected to the so-called Fachschaftskollektiv. Collective members do not have any privileges over other visitors to the student council meeting, but they have the duties to ensure that the eternal and semester action programmes are adhered to, to write the report and to plan and announce in good time at least once a semester a VV.